Mindful green living

CHF 20.00

"Nominated for BOOK OF THE YEAR in Sweden!"

Keeping the ecological footprint as small as possible is now essential for a positive future for our children. The "Fridays for Future" movement shows in an impressive way how important this topic is to the younger generations. Bestselling author Johan Tel shows in his new book how sustainability can be easily integrated into everyday life and even save money in the process.

non-fiction,  hardcover

We love it because


mentor  have great books for children and adults. We like the themes of the books as well as the sustainable, diverse, inclusive  and empowering  Approach.

About the publisher

Mentor Verlag is an independent, owner-managed publishing house from Berlin – recently also part of the circle of friends of the Kurt Wolff Foundation.

We, the two young publishers Philipp and Niclas, co-founded the start-up campus "Factory" eight years ago and love building communities. As a publisher, everything we do revolves around community and great books - for children and adults. We care about topics related to children's education, sustainability, healthy living, but also social coexistence in general.

We are now able to work with authors such as Francesca Cavallo, Ronja von Rönne, Jimmy Kimmel and Lupita Nyong'o.